Ars Gratia Artis

So, I came out of retirement to work on a neato project. I’m doing a lot of programming, architecture, release management, project management, and, um, reporting. So, that’s why I’m not doing a whole lot of bagpiping or anything. Because this is fun and important. But nobody cares about that. The interesting thing here isContinue reading “Ars Gratia Artis”

Oh Right, That’s Why I Hated Libraries

I dunno, back in, like, 2010, I was working on software that had something like 1 zillion dependencies (or, you know, 50. Same thing) and keeping track of consistent versions of all the dependencies was a real pain in the neck. Our organization had a dedicated CM team who set up Artifactory and Ivy andContinue reading “Oh Right, That’s Why I Hated Libraries”

License and Registration?

If you read a book about software development or start a repository on github or bitbucket or launchpad, you’ll confront the question of software licensing very early on — likely, before you even get to the question of what development environment you’re going to use. I’ve come to decide that this is not really helpful.Continue reading “License and Registration?”

Sometimes Continuity Sucks

Facetime stopped working on my laptop sometime this year. I don’t know anyone far away with whom I actually want to chat, so I only use it when Junglemonkey goes out of town. She’s out for a few days and today the Badb came back from camp and of course we all want to seeContinue reading “Sometimes Continuity Sucks”